
Phone Jokes

me: hey siri, did you know Candice died?

Siri: yes I was informed she died from sugondese

me: wat is dat?

Siri: sugondese nuts

do you know what the equivalent to hell is theses days 1. listening to your teacher 2. not haveing your phone/ game / tv 3. not haveing niccotine

My screen lock is my favorite picture of my wife. When I'm on a 14-hour shift, being miserable, hating my life... I pull out my phone and gaze at the picture of my wife. Then I realize it's better here than at home with her ass.

One spelling mistake can completely ruin your marriage

I accidentally texted my wife “I’m having a wonderful time. I wish you were her.”

*gets hit by a car*

Passerby: "ARE YOU OKAY?"

Me: "Please...I need"

*opens twitter*


(Phone call) This is Franks funeral home and grill where yesterday’s grief is todays beef. How may we help you ?