
Party Jokes

a dad asked his son what kind of cake he wanted for his birthday and he replied... hows about a urinal cake?!!

3 vampires walk into a bar. The first one orders a Bloody Mary. The second orders a Bloody Mary. The bartender turns to the third and asks “a Bloody Mary?”

The vampire shakes his head. “Hot water for me”

“Hot water?”

“I found a tampon out back and want to make tea”

How do you keep a blind kid entertained? You take him to a stadium crowd then give him a bat and tell him to hit the pinyata.

Q: How do you know there’s a party at Neverland Ranch? A: All the Big Wheels parked out front.

Q: When do you know it’s over? A: Only one is left.

A cow is at his friend's house for a sleepover party. Sadly, all of the beds are taken. Where does the cow sleep?

On the COWch (couch)


There was a man he came home with his friends from the bar and man; was he ever wasted. Their friends made sure to get him home safely the next morning he woke up and found blood all over his night stand he called his friends and asked for his alarm clock back.

The teacher says to do your homework. I do. my friends do. one person never does any of his homework.

eventually we had to have fun. He said he didn't do it. WOW what did he do? I like to think he got smacked and nearly commit suicide.

Last night I remember partying with friends to find blood on my nightstand. Moments after I scolded my friends to put my alarm clock back where they found it.

You know the difference between happy tailgators and angry tailgators?

Happy tailgators know how to throw a party.

Why was the rapper always the life of the party?

Because they knew how to DROP the BEAT