Number 1 ventriloquist dies at age 76, will be mist.
A Japanese, Hispanic, and Iraqi man are in a plane. The Japanese man drops a bowl off of it, and shouts "I love my country!", Then the Hispanic man drops a burrito off the side and shouts, "I love my country", finally the Iraqi man drops a bomb, and shouts, "I love my country!"
Not much longer on, a man walks by a boy who is sitting by a crater laughing non-stop. And the man asks, "What's so funny?" And the boy says "When I farted my house blew up!"
What's the difference between your mom and your dad? One leaves your life to go get milk, and the other cleans up after you, feeds you, and does your laundry.
2019 Senior Prank- Hey fellas lets black out the school haha were so sneaky oh yes
2020 Senior Prank- Hey guys I’m a tech whiz let’s spread a rumor on the internet saying a disease called the corona virus exists! Haha it’s be so funny and good even the whole world might fall for it
Everyone in December 2020- looks at tech whiz “ son of a (censored)!!!” Tech whiz- “you guys are the (censored)s I mean you fell for it for a whole year
Knock knock Who’s there? Tank Tank who? Your welcome Hehehehe😛😛😛
There was a penguin breathing with his ass. One day, he sat down and he died.
I bet you're a child molester who got out of jail and is now sexually harassing kids such as Addison! Will fuck off and get a life, btw your roasts are not fucking funny, they're bullshit like your face and your hairline.
What do you call black people in pool?
Coco Pops.
U geiy haha lol.
What do you call a animal with 3 eyes 2 mouth 6 noses and 4 ears
My name is Gwen, and I say rape jokes aren't funny. It's not funny for people to have sex with you without you agreeing. Also, they're getting old and NOT FUNNY! If anyone has something to say, please do. Comment if you agree or not. It's okay; I want to hear what you say. Just tell me if they are not funny.
We will have a contest to see how many people comment on saying they're good and funny, or people saying they're bad and terrible jokes and should not be made. May the best votes and comments win.
When the school shooter makes the emo kid hang himself and the autistic kid thinks it’s a piñata: 🤪🏏
Why can’t organs have a family bag of chips
Because They have no family to share it with
What's a Orphans favorite website
It has a homepage
What do you call your sister if she only has one leg?
Knock, knock. (Whose there?) Your dad. (But my dads dead.) I know, just reminding you!
What is a vampire's favorite animal? A giraffe.
What is a vampire's favorite fruit? Neck-tarines.
Those two jokes are not funny at all!
What's worse than funny condom fails?
Jake Paul.
A bear walks into a bar and asks the barkeep, "Can I have a grilled . . . cheese?"
The barkeep asks the bear, "What's with the big pause?" The bear says, "Well, I'm a bear."
Did you hear about the terrorist comedian?
He was actually quite funny...
He just blew the delivery.
(I'll show myself out).