Tell someone to say "alpha" and then "kenny one". Tell them to say it very fast. Tell them it sounded like they said, "I'll fuck anyone!"
Why are the same Sally jokes told over and over again?
Because how can you tell jokes about someone who's dead?
Why did the skeleton not tell jokes? It lost its funny bone. Maybe you should try putting it back.
Alright, my sister is ALWAYS dancing randomly all the time, and what I say is, "Go get you boyfriend, dude!"
This is my fidget spinner, I got it in my Easter basket.
Q. What do Kenny's dick and this joke have in common?
A. They're both really short.
I always felt like a man trapped in a woman's body. But then I was born.
But in my defense, I was young then, and I had a womb without a view.
It's this girl named Deaf, what a weird name, but I know that 'cause I was ear hustling.
But anyway, everytime I call her, she doesn't answer. I wanna clap some cheeks tonight, how could she hate me when she don't know me?
Steve: Who's there?
Villager: I'm not talking anymore.
Steve: I'm not talking anymore who?
What do you call a dwarf that fell into a cement mixer?
A wee hard man.
Knock knock. Who's there? Bear. Bear who? Bear bum!
An old man saw the TikTok trend of people throwing it back. The old man wanted to do it with his wife. The man set up everything needed and did the video. He threw it back first, then his wife, but instead of an old lady, it was ashes.
A bear and a rabbit are at a bar getting high, smoking weed, talking about nothing but lies and straight up garbage.
And then the bear starts to drink too much damn liquor, gets drunk, and asks the rabbit, "Can I have one more scotch, pretty please?"
And the rabbit says, "Hell to the naw, I'm not about to carry your drunk ass home with me and smell your breath."
rape jokes arenβt funny
Rape Humour is not FUNNY. Like if you agree.
Like this
What's a skeleton's favorite meme?
Ken Bone.
I can't with these, LMAOO!
Neona (π): I bet you I'm not going to get that job at all!
Gwen (π): Yeah well, I believe in you.
Neona (π): You got the job, and am I still waiting for them to call me and remind me that I will, but I won't get it. Anyway, I need to prepare for a job that I won't get.
Gwen (π ): Neona, you just don't got enough confidence. You got to have confidence in life. I know you will get the job. I do now. Just believe instead of giving up!
Neona (π): UGH fine!!!
Gwen (π): I'll see you at that job interview!!!! Put a smile on your face, too!
Neona (π): Okay...Gwen, you're the best!
Why do people with Down syndrome always look funny?
Itβs their funny face.