What do you call a low budget terrorist attack? 7/11
Did you hear about the terrorist comedian? He was actually quite funny... He just blew the delivery.
(I'll show myself out)
Study tip: laminate your notes so they don't get damaged by the tears
Roses are read romance is dead everyday i suffer from existential dread
What happens when you find a bomb at your local bazaar? It becomes a flee market.
What's the #1 rule of kidnapping prevention? Don't get carried away.
Are suicide bombers taught properly how to fly or... Are they just given a quick crash course?
How do you know all suicide bombers self identify as being old? They are all boomers in the end
What's suicide bombers' biggest fear? Dying alone
Where do terrorists go for a drink? At the Allahu-ak Bar
What did the terrorist do when his kidneys failed? Dial-ISIS
When I was in middle school, I was kidnapped by a terrorist organization. Al-gebra.
I stopped a terrorist from killing 100 people on a plane using self-control.