My name is Gwen, and I say rape jokes aren't funny. It's not funny for people to have sex with you without you agreeing. Also, they're getting old and NOT FUNNY! If anyone has something to say, please do. Comment if you agree or not. It's okay; I want to hear what you say. Just tell me if they are not funny.
We will have a contest to see how many people comment on saying they're good and funny, or people saying they're bad and terrible jokes and should not be made. May the best votes and comments win.
Hell with this!
Why u can just shut the fuck up and get a life instead of being an asshole
shut the fuck up hell with this. go get a life bitch
Rape jokes are not funny, they are hilarious knee slappers
Listen fake gwen I don't like rape jokes and I don't post things on there so STOP!!!!!!!!!! Fr I mean it stop it! srry 4 raising my voice.
LOL I think rape jokes are funny
Harley Dwon
She just said stop
Gorape daddy
Rape jokes are awesome
Did you had sex with someone without his(her) agreeing? No? So how can you tell it's not funny, if you never tried it?
Rape jokes are not funny, because they trivialise a shocking and horrific experience, in the same way that jokes about the holocaust are not funny.
You know what? If you would ask me, I’d say everyone who writes rape jokes and/or likes them is committing a crime. Why? Cuz you might be the reason why someone gets raped. Rapists get encouraged and rape victim don’t report being raped, fearing hate and people resenting them. This encourages rapists even more, because they think that they won’t get caught. Think before doing this. Do you really want to be involved in this?
Does sound a little crimeful
shut up and do something productive with your life idiot
Not putting my name
All (good) comedy comes from a dark place its lighting up a place of hurt and pain and people find it funny because it's relatable and they understand it. Also why the fuck to people come to a page made for dark rape jokes and post shit like this like just go somewhere else.
why dont you let me enjoy my time with my little sister and stop bothering us. I had just convinced her we were just playing. #getalife
Why did you search for rape jokes?
Suck My Clit Whore
Bruh ive been raped fr and I still find rape jokes hilarious, it makes me feel better about the situation. I make them quite often such as "I was just that sexy at three years old" and "I call him daddy in more ways than one" fuck off and stop tryna micro manage my happiness and coping mechanisms bitch
Harley dwon
Not stopping if you know what I mean :)
I've been raped several times and I think their fucking hilarious 😂 get the dick out of your ass Karen 😂
Wait, what about rape play. IE, where both people consent ahead of time and role play the rape? Surely that’s not unethical, since it’s clnsentual
Lol I meant consentual
Dammit, nevermind
Just shut the fuck and kill yourself already you dumb whore. Why tf did you even enter on this site? Fucking slut
wtf is wrong with you
they're good and whore-able jk kill urself