Want to know how to fit 71 people in a car? Two in the front while we handle 69 in the back.
SMG4 Mario be like in Ohio: I don’t wanna do this...
Candice everyone: Candice?
Your mum is so fat when she was sitting on a scale the number couldnt even fit in the scale and came shooting out
Your mum is so fat, when she roleplayed Wonder Woman, she couldn't fit in the invisible jet.
I asked my date to meet me at the gym today. She didn't show up. That's when I knew we weren't gonna work out.
You're so skinny, you can barely fit through a door crack.
Entered what I ate today into my new fitness app and it just sent an ambulance to my house.
Knock Knock Who's there? Ahoy Mateys Ahoy Mateys who? Ahoy mateys balls fit in your mouth? LOLOLOLOLOLOL
what's the difference between morbid humor & dark humor?
dark humor fits 10 people in 1 container.
morbid humor fits 1 person on ten containers.
When your legs forget how to work after leg day, I can't climb the stairs.
Michael Myers right behind me. Runs like I'm a track star!
Your head is so big, it looks like traffic is able to fit on it!
I asked the gym instructor,
"Can you teach me to do the splits?"
"How flexible are you?" he asked.
"Well, I can't make it on Fridays."
Yo momma so fat that she could fit the entire map of the world on her body.
Q: How do you fit 4 gay men on a bar stool?
A: Flip the chair upside down.
Why don’t I shut myself all the time?
I can only fit so many pairs of kids in my mouth and stomach at the same time.
Me: How do you say yes in Spanish? You: si Me: Si if these nuts fit in your mouth
What is fully grown but can fit through small objects? Michael Jackson.
What do you call a Fuhrer who's also a fitness coach?
Adolf Fit-ler.
What gets hard when tugged and fits perfectly in between boobs... A seatbelt.
How many skinny people can fit in a tub? I don't know; they keep slipping down the drain.