Yo momma so stupid...weather man says it chilli outside....instead of a jacket..She gets a bowl and spoon!!!
Yo mama so fat that when she crossed the road, people mistook her for a roundabout.
Yo mama so fat, she uses a mattress as a diaper.
Yo momma so short... You can see her feet on her driver's license photo!
Yo mommas so fat when she skips a meal the stock market drops.
Yo momma's so stupid, she took a shower for 20 minutes after she heard a DIRTY JOKE!
Yo momma so fat, whenever she goes to the beach, the tide comes in!
Yo momma so fat, her four kids use her as a bed and her fat rolls as cozy blankets.
yo momma's so hairy that when the baby came out it got rug burn
Yo momma so fat that she could fit the entire map of the world on her body.
Yo momma so fat that she was used as a tank in Putin's war.
Yo momma's so stupid, she put two quarters in her ears and thought she was listening to 50 Cent.
I love my mom
Yo mommas so fat she doesn’t know how to play bacon.
Yo momma is so fat her bellybutton gets home 15 minutes before she does.
Yo momma is so fat when she sat on WalMart, she lowered the prices.
Yo momma is so ugly, Slenderman runs from her.
It's also why he has no eyes.
Yo momma so stupid, when someone got cardiac arrest, she tried to put the person to court, and when the judge said "ORDER AT THE COURT", she thought it's a food court, and order 20 big macs and got a heart attack
yo momma is so fat, i took a picture of her last christmas and its still printing.
Yo momma like a penny.. -two faced, worthless, and in everyone’s pants!