Why can't blind people have a sea food diet?
They have to see the food to eat
Why can't blind people have a sea food diet?
They have to see the food to eat
Losing weight is a piece of cake. Just don't pick it up.
Why do vegetarians give good head?
Because they’re used to eating nuts.
It’s really hard to maintain a good body lately, unless you put it in a freezer
What do you call a group of chubby trans-genders?
Becoming a vegetarian is a huge missed steak.
What is the toughest thing about living a vegan life?
Getting up at 5am to milk the almonds.
doctor: you need to eat healthy
me: no
doctor: the last patient who didn't change their diet after i suggested it died
me: oh my goodness
doctor: in a plane crash
me: that sounds unrelated
doctor: i'm the one that crashed it. do not disobey me
Relationships are like fat people.
Most of them don’t work out.