
Fire Jokes

Why can’t the anyone sing “hit me with your best shot” at the veterans ball karaoke? : because every time she sang the line “fire away” some one starting shooting!

How do you make a cat sound like a dog? Pour gasoline on it then light it on fire and it will go "WOOF" How do you make a dog sound like a cat? Put it in the deep freeze until frozen solid, then run it through an electric saw and it will go "MMMRROWWWWWW"

this guy comes knocking on the door in hell and speaks to god please let me out it is too cold in here god is all confused there is a big fire in there the guy answers yes there is but you cannot get near it all the bishops cardinals and priests are sitting around it

I got fired from the bowling ball factory for throwing out the ones that had holes in them.

Build your ex a fire and their warm for a day.

Set you ex on fire and hide the smile/evidence

Apex Legends: exist Titanfall fandom: (Literally on fire and at war with its self) "Everything is fine."