Everybody add @christianisni22 on snap!!
Hes a hot babe and he's single
Everybody add @christianisni22 on snap!!
Hes a hot babe and he's single
What does a ripped jacket and a golfer have in common?
They both have a hole in one.
Why is the blind kid popular?
He can't see the middle fingers.
Why are orphan's banned from the shop?
No adult to pay for them.
I bought this happy birthday card for this orphan.
To:The Orphan
From : ______
I told this man to rev his vehicle.
Didn't know wheelchair's can't rev.
What does an M&M and juice have in common?
I killed 5 orphan's and tried to sell their organs.
Nobody still wanted them.
How does a disabled kid walk to school?
He wishes he had the facilities to.
What does a blind man crying and an unplugged TV in common?
Nothing can be seen when they get turned on.
What does an orphan and a wheelchair have in common?
They can both be replaced.
I went to the orphanage and shot everyone in there. It's not like anyone will attend their funeral.
What's a deaf kids favourite words?
Shut up.
Why does a blind man still have eyes?
So he can see that he can't see.
What's the difference between a blind man and a window?
The window can see through itself.
One day I went to talk to my friend. "Hi John!" I said. No response. "Oh yea." I went to pick up the remote and clicked the unmute button. "Hope that helps."
What does a cute deaf girl and a fire have in common?
They're both hot but they're both quiet.
One man said "the audacity on that deaf kid."
The other man said "bro does even have audio."
What does a blind man and a PS4 have in common?
They both need to make sounds to be recognised.
Why is the blind man so close to the door?
He can't see it