When I finished high school, I wanted to take my graduation money and buy myself a motorcycle, but my mom said no.
See, she had a brother who died in a horrible motorcycle accident when he was eighteen, and I could just have his motorcycle.
When I finished high school, I wanted to take my graduation money and buy myself a motorcycle, but my mom said no.
See, she had a brother who died in a horrible motorcycle accident when he was eighteen, and I could just have his motorcycle.
My dad died, so I dug his grave. I was asked why I murdered him. I answered, "Guess we'll never know who did it because he dug his own grave." My father was William Afton.
my uncle died in 9/11 he was in the plane that crashed in the feild
(1968) - Hellen Keller died, didn’t you hear?
Well neither did she.
More cops died from COVID than anything else last year, hahahaha.
They should have shot COVID instead of Tyrone on the microphone, lmfao.
Depression: here your mom just died. Me: MY MOM IS ALREADY DEAD
Did you know Princess Diana was on the radio the night she died?
To be honest, she was on the whole dashboard too.
A bully told an orphan to cry to his parents, so he did.
His adoptive parents were very supportive about the situation, and everything was settled. He died in an accident a day later.
one night a father heard his daugter saying good night good night mom god night dad good night mamah good by papa the next day her papa died he heard her saying them a month later good night mom god night dad good by mamah the next day her mamah died well her dad was scared for his life he knew he was next well his daugter said them again good night mom good by dad the next day the mail man droped dead on their porch.
I got jealous when my phone dies.
Roses are red, violets are blue, my mom and dad died, next you'll be gone too.
Twin monks who ring the church bells died.
Now they are dead ringers. :)
Yo mama so ugly, she the real reason all the dodos died.
when does an emo get jealous at a phone ........................... when it dies
Jesus can’t judge gay people, because he got nailed before he died
My girlfriend’s dog died, so I tried to cheer her up by getting her an identical one. But, unfortunately, it just made her more upset. She screamed at me, “What am I supposed to do with two dead dogs?”