What do you call a Chinese rapist? Rae ping you.
Oh, sh**! I'm late for my interview! Do you know where the nearest sex offender registry is?
What's the number 1 cause of pedophilia?
Sexy kids.
What's black and white and red all over?
A police brutality case.
What's the difference between Michael Jackson and a grocery bag?
One's plastic and dangerous to play with; the other is to carry groceries.
What does Earl Bradley and an Xbox have in common?
They both get turned on by children.
What's a pedophile's favorite holiday?
Halloween. Free delivery!
What did the woman do when the armed police officer raped her?
Why did the teacher get arrested?
He gave the orphan homework!
I am crying tears of joy rn. I was wrongfully sentenced to death. They took me to prison to wait for my execution, but when I got there, they said that I was free. I asked them why and they told me that a man named Penaldo had taken my death penalty for me. Thank you, Penaldo!
What did the hooker say when she found out the cash she was paid with for services rendered was counterfeit?
I've been raped!
"Yes, officer! It was a requirement to run over that child. It matched perfectly with the beat drop!"
What do you call a Portuguese who commits a crime in Las Vegas?
Consensual Rapper 7.
What do gay men and drug dealers have in common?
They both get a lot of crack.
What does a cannibal do after eating its vegetables?
Sells the wheelchair.
What did the cops say when someone called him racist?
"How can I be racist? My wife's eye is black."
Cop: "I'm arresting you for downloading the entire Wikipedia."
Man: "Wait! I can explain everything!"
I taped a picture of Bill Cosby to my gun. Now it’s an assault rifle.
What is the day parents stopped fearing for their little boys? June 25, dead pedo day.
What's a terrorist's favorite car? A Porsche 9/11.