What does Jeffrey Dahmer and Travis Scott have in common?
Eight dead people.
What does Jeffrey Dahmer and Travis Scott have in common?
Eight dead people.
A white woman was caught on video using racial slurs and assaulting two black students. She was charged with "interpreting" a black police officer.
Did you know that a majority of the U.S. is afraid of the dark?
Especially if they are right behind you at the ATM.
A child, molester, and priest walk into a bar.
He orders a drink.
When I’m bored, I text a random number, “I hid the body... now what?”
What do you get when you cross Bill Cosby and Jeffrey Epstein?
Predator 2.
Why do orphans play GTA so much?
Because they can be wanted for once.
Where do spiders commit crimes?
The Dark Web.
I wasn’t planning on going for a run today, but those cops came out of nowhere.
Get a head in life by decapitating someone.
If a wizard gets robbed by a muggle, has he been muggled?