
Police Jokes

A cop stopped a guy for speeding.

He said, "Do you know how fast you were going?"

"I was trying to keep up with traffic," the guy replied.

The cop said, "But there is no traffic."

And the guy answered, "That's how far behind I am."

I was watching the local chief police in America, he said we will never forget 911. I thought i should hope not its your phone number.


Officer sees a man and he is seeing he is having trouble walking so he asked him "sir are you drunk?" The man responds "No sir i'm not drunk." So the Officer asks "how high are you?" And the man responds "no sir, its high how are you."


I find it ironic that the colors red, white and blue stand for freedom..... Until they are flashing behind you!

I saw two men wearing the same clothing and walking together, so I asked both of them if they were gay. They did not hesitate arresting me after I said that.


What did the rapist say to his victim. Go ahead call the police we will see who comes first.


Two men broke into a drugstore and stole all the Viagra. The police put out an alert to be on the lookout for the two hardened criminals.

A man gats kicked out of police camp after writing "Who's that Pokémon" next to all of the chalk outlines

The Big Bang happened 16.8 billion years ago and matter cannot be created or destroyed there for we are all technically 16.8 billion years old so to answer your question officer yes she is of age

My friend was a victim of a school shooting once but he couldnt tell if they were in the library because of the suppressor on his ar