Y yo body built like a half a tooth pic lol
*What has a tail a head but body? * A *Coin
me: I have the body of a 28 year old her: prove it me: (opens freezer)
I tried having a three-way with two physicists, but they couldn't solve the three body problem
How do you get a smoking hot body as a senior?
donut is not empty inside, that was a hole in the middle. if im a donut the hole used to be where i put my feeling and happiness. but people snatch it away from me. anyway,can someone put a hole in my physical body too? i kinda wanted to see people cry for me just like how people cry for ace from one piece
Why do we call it dead bodies? Nobody says alive bodies! like you walk into your workplace, "OMFG ITS FULL OF BODIES! Alive ones tho." You wouldn't give birth and say, "Come on husband, help me with the bodies." If its a surprise party, you wouldn't say, "QUICK, HIDE THE BODIES!" And the person who the party was for wouldn't say "OH MY GOD WHY ARE THEY DEAD!"
KimJongUn thicc af
What is your name? My ankle is named? Samantha
i always felt like a man trapped in a womans body. But then I was born.
But In my defense , I was young then and I had a womb without a view.
Why didn't the skeleton want to make art anymore? He didn't have the heart to put into it.
Flag of Congo - Kinshasa @osowxvyy I was in Portugal enjoying my lunch when I saw a man choking! i wanted to save him but a local stopped me. “that’s Penandes, he always chokes when it matters most and ghosts in big games.” True enough, Penandes’ Ghost emerged from his body! Poor Penandes, may he get well soon!
if red get vote out whit happed
red is not vote red is a hacker so he kill blue ok so
some one fondy blue boddy red sud where
lime and green and prup sud how is red not die
red am a hacker u noobs
lime and grenn and prup run
red killd therem all red the win but he is not the win
black killd red black is the win lol
Sans: I like eating ketchup, don't believe me? It's ASRIEL as it gets! UT Sans to UT pap: You FORGHETTIE the spaghetti!!! Ink sans: umm lust? That's INKAPPROPRIATE! Fell sans: I hate these double standards...if you burn a body at a crematoriom you're doing "a good job" do it at home and your "destroying evidence." Error sans: every time you make a typo, the errorists win..
So one day, I took a trip to Russia, and saw Vladimir Putin walking in the streets without any body guards. Seeing as how I looked just like him, we switched places for a few days. After two days, some officer came up to me and asked if we were going to project блять, and I had said yes, and the officer said god help us. So a day later, I heard on the news that every other continent, and the moon were destroyed. I then approached the officer and said. I thought you meant we were having a giant orgy. He said we did, and that we were extremely drunk.
So if being a paedophile is a career, then burying the bodies must be gardening.
Why did the skeleton go to the movies by himself?
He had no-body to go with.
Max heart and his gay cousin nickals amoto say i back out a fight when he said let's fight then last minute he said he don't want to then says i chickened out i ready to fight but his gut swolled his arms he actually looks like humpty dumpty but just wanted to say he backed out + max and nickals are both gay with each other
Why don't butts get along?
Because they can't stand each other's CHEEK
what has a head a tail but no body?
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