
Yesterday Jokes

I broke the sink yesterday the handle just blew right off! my dad was so mad he blew his stack!

Yesterday I went to a party at my friend’s house. Everyone was dressed as birthday candles. It was a blowout.

I went to a gun shop yesterday. Everything was half off. I didn't know that back to school sales have begun.

why isn't hilary duff interested in edcaution? A. she said that she was not interested in learning about anything that was so yesterday.

Hey guys! I'm back! Sorry I didn't post yesterday! I had swim parctice, and a bunch of hw, but here I am! And here is the quote of the day!

Push yourself, because no one will do it for you.

Love y'all so much!

Karien: Don't care. You know what you did.

Jalie: I don't know what you mean. I did nothing! I'm telling the truth!

Karien: Sure. So you mean you never texed Oerien last night around 2:00 am?


Karien: Jalie stop the story telling. You were the one who had my phone yesterday. Just stop.

I went to the shops yesterday, I bought roast chicken, eggs and duck. The cashier read $45.99 it was an eggcelent price.

Hello, welcome to Joe’s Pizzeria and Abortion Clinic, where yesterday’s loss is today’s sauce! How may I help you today?

" I walking in the yard yesterday and a bug stepped on me why you ask because the bug didn't know I was there."