How can you tell an anti-vaccine kid?
It's only got 10 hours to live.
How do you get Carrie Underwood to dehydrate fast?
Tell her that all the water supplies contain the COVID vaccine.
Chuck Norris doesn't need to be vaccinated. Vaccines need to be Chuck Norrised.
Are you corona? Cuz it’s hard to breathe around you ;)
Covid be like, "I'm going to take your breath away."
Why is it okay to stab meat, but I can't stab myself? These woke lefties, BLM, Antifa, feminists, eco-warriors, pro-vaccine libtards are stopping your freedom and right to stab yourself!
Yo mama so ugly,
they won’t give her a vaccine so she can keep wearing her mask.
how to get rid of non-vaccinators: call water a dehydration vaccine.
Q. What's the difference between my phone battery and an anti-vax kid?
A. Nothing, they both die at ten.