
Violence Jokes

The two brothers were sitting next to each other. They played with planes all day long. They got to violent and now their sister(World Trade Center) stands there. The brothers were put up for adoption and the planes were given back to their owners.

If you kill someone, that's murder. If you kill a family member, that's still murder. If you kill a child, that's "child abuse"

A penis has a bad life his neighbor is asshole and his friend is pussy and his owner beats him

After the shooting people were asking why would they do it, They wanted to stop but turns out they were playing an Online game.

The school shooter points the gun at the emo kid while the shooter tries to shoot him the emo kid dodges the bullets like the matrix and takes the gun away from the shooter and shoots him self.

How many rapists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Punchline: One, but they prefer soda bottles instead.