I took my girlfriend out the other day... Man, do I love being a sniper.
What makes a 360 no-scope and JFK's assassination similar?
Both were some of the greatest achievements in history to achieve.
Call of Duty kill cam be like.
This is the best kill streak ever!
whole November month, sniper lessons avaliable in Dallas U.S
A guy is talking to an Indian therapist.
He had a red dot, and the American thought it was from a sniper rifle and tackled him and said, "I thought the red dot on your head was from a sniper rifle!"
How do you know someone from India is a good sniper?
They have a dot in the middle of the head.
Mom where are we going To your grandma's funeral Yeah cus i 360 no scoped that bit** in the face.
Billy: Dad, I was shot by a sniper! Dad: Uh- *hides his rifle*
I took my mother-in-law out yesterday God being a sniper is so fun
what cant a sniper say to his wife i missed you
I just went to India and thought why do they have so many sniper hitmen turns out the red dot isn't a sniper laser
I took my mother in law out today...
I love being a sniper...
The pope drives around in a glass box or as I like to call him a snipers dream
What do you call a Communist sniper? -- A Marxman.