If the formula of water is H2O , then what is the formula of ice ?
H2O cubed
Why did Steven Hawking only tell one-liners?
Because he couldn't do standup.
is your refegir ruu\
is your refregerator running you, better go catch it
What is the difference between Stephen Hawking and a walkie-talkie? He doesn't walkie or talkie.
What’s the difference between Stephen Hawking and a walkie talkie? He can’t walkie or talkie.
How do you make Stephen Hawking mad? You turn off the WiFi router
What’s Stephan hawking favourite dance move ?
The robot
Why did the royal wedding get more publicity than a school shooting?
Cause a royal wedding doesn't happen once a week.
A man was at the temperature -273.15°C. He was OK.
Q. What did one Iron atom say to the other Iron atom? A. "We're in the Matrix"
Once upon a time, fraternal twins, brother and sister, with almost 100% equal DNA were separated at birth. At the age of 42, they were married, had 2 sons and 2 daughters. They took an ancestryDNA test, and the results were scientifically sexually shocking.
if i looked like Stephen Hawkings i would also be an atheist.
We used to have tail on the back.. and now it moves forward.
What's the difference between Stephen and a car? A car loses oil, Stephen loses the ability to walk.