If Uranus is so gross, why do they take HD photos of it?
Patient to doctor: "Will I be ok, Doc?"
Doctor: "I doubt it. Mercury is in Uranus now."
Patient: "I don't do that astrology stuff."
Doctor: "Nor me. My thermometer just broke."
Better call NASA and tell them there are only going to be 7 planets after I destroy URANUS.
I can see Uranus from here, and it's mighty gassy!
You're so fat, astronomers discovered a planet larger than Earth but smaller than Uranus.
Sir William Herschel discovered Uranus in 1781, 200 years before you were born. How did he do that?
Hubble just spotted something huge coming out of Uranus.
I wish my name was Voyager 2...
So I could have the first encounter with Uranus. :)
Keep the planet clean. It's not Uranus.
Why do you have to watch your back at NASA? They want to probe Uranus.
Why is Mars red? Because it saw Uranus! 😂
The world exploded, so now I need to visit Uranus.
Flat Earther pickup line: "The Earth may be flat, but Uranus is round."
What is big, round, and gassy? URANUS.
Did you know that Uranus is as big as the moon?
You Saturn a chair with Uranus.
Many were curious about how methane ended up on Mars.
I'm pretty sure it was because of Uranus.
Oh baby, there's about to be 7 planets because I'm gonna destroy Uranus.
Kid to daddy: "Why do they call it Uranus?"
Daddy to kid: "Cause, son, it's Uranus."