make sense of what I am saying, This is a LIE- and that's the TRUTH.
what am I? answer: a Riddle.
make sense of what I am saying, This is a LIE- and that's the TRUTH.
what am I? answer: a Riddle.
What is 6.9?
A beautiful thing ruined by a period.
What's long, black and full of seamen? A submarine.
How do you embarrass an archaeologist? You give him a tampon and ask what period it's from.
What's brown and rather bad for your dental health?
- A baseball bat.
What is the most expensive haircut? Chemotherapy.
What’s black, white, and red? A nun that fell down a 100 flight of stairs.
What’s black, white, and laughing? The nun that pushed her!
Why are priests called father? Because it's too suspicious to call them daddy.
riddle: I don't move, I travel across the world, but I never leave the corner. what am I?
answer: a stamp
Q: What did the iceberg say to the Titanic?
A: I'd hit that.
What pool never runs dry?
The one on the Titanic.
What is the best thing about living in Switzerland? -- Well, the flag is a big plus.