How do you embarrass an archaeologist? You give him a tampon and ask what period it's from.
What is 6.9?
A beautiful thing ruined by a period
What is a prisoner's favorite punctuation?
A period.
Because it marks the end of a sentence.
What's the difference between a hippie chick and a hockey player? The hockey player showers after 3 periods.
What's a pedophile's favorite part of a hockey game? Before the first period starts.
a man died with an erection. the three nurses in the morgue saw this the first nurse climbs on and rides him. the second nurse dose the same the third hesitates saying "i'm on my period." the others say its ok hes dead so she rides him to. when she's done he sits up and all the nurses ask how hes alive he replies i'm good to go after the two jumpstarts and blood transfusion
A high school student and his best friend were rushing to class after his best friend caused them both to be late, his best friend asked, "Would you like to hear a joke?" "Sure" he replied. "What do you and your sister have in common?' "I don't know." "Because of me you're both late for your next period."
How do you know a hippie is on her period? Her socks are missing. How do you know she's off? Her socks are tye-dye.
Why did teacher go on death penalty cause she gave a orphan homework. Thats on period #darkhumor
I make science puns, but only periodically :3
Jokes about menstruation are not funny. Period.
When your exercising and you feel the “gush”
Your forehead so big it built like megamind’s robot period
Some girl just walks into my 6th period geography class. The first think I think is, "Oh shit! It's mini Regina George without titties!"
Why did the girl rage badly when she got an D- on her essay?
Because the teacher said she missed all her periods
Why does it take three women with PMS to screw in a lightbulb?
what do you call it when a girl on her period goes swimming..........a blood bath...bud um pst
What is a orphans favorite period? Homeroom
Know what a 6.9 is? Another good thing screwed up by a period.
if the minions serve who ever is the biggest bad then who did they serve 1930-1945