Why do mermaids wear seashells? They are too big for “B” shells, and too small for “D” shells.
What does a shark and a computer have in common?
They both have megabites.
What's a fish's least favorite instrument? A ClariNET!
A fully grown bull Great White Shark is 15 feet long and can open its jaws open up to 1.2 meters long. It could eat a small child in seconds. Anyways, I lost my job at the aquarium...
the titanic is now resort for fish
A man is lying on the beach, wearing nothing but a cap over his crotch. A woman passing by remarks, "If you were any sort of a gentleman, you would lift your hat to a lady." He replies, "If you were any sort of a sexy lady, the hat would lift by itself."
How much does it cost a pirate to pierce his ears? -- A buccaneer.
What is a pirate's favorite element?
Don't tell a Titanic joke, or you'll sink to a whole new low.
Why do sharks never attack lawyers? -- Professional courtesy.
What kind of fish 🐟 comes out at night 🌙?
A starfish.
How do fish get to school?
By the octobus.
why was the sand wet? because the sea weed!
Have you heard about the lemming that jumped off a cliff into an ocean?
I heard it was because of pier pressure.
Police arrested a man who dropped his phone in the ocean. The was charged with a salt in battery.
Fisherman are the best at networking.
What do sheep wear to the beach? A baa-kini
A wild Iceberg appears. Go titanic! Titanic uses Headbutt The attack misses Titanic Faints
Why did the octopus cross the road? To get to the other TIDE!!!🤣🐙🐙