What do you call 2 octopuses that look exactly the same? -- Identical.
What did one ocean say to the other ocean? Nothing, they just WAVED. Can you SEA what I did there? I'm SHORE you did. Why are you so SALTY? Don't be a BEACH.
What is the most popular fish in the ocean? "A starfish."
Why are dolphins so smart?
Because within three hours they can train a human to stand at the edge of the pool and feed them fish!
What do you call the place where an octopus is sitting?
What do lesbians and turtles have in common? They both choke on plastic.
Why don't oysters share their pearls?
Because they're shellfish!
I drew a picture of a whale in the ocean. My brother asked, "What are you drawing?" I said, "You taking a shower."
A fully grown bull Great White Shark is 15 feet long and can open its jaws up to 1.2 meters long. It could eat a small child in seconds. Anyways, I lost my job at the aquarium...
What kind of fish comes out at night?
A starfish.
How do fish get to school?
By the octobus.
What are fish not allowed to have?
What does a lesbian and a sea turtle have in common?
They both choke on plastic.
Why do sharks swim in salt water?
Because pepper water makes them sneeze.
Most people think an octopus has 8 legs.
Actually, they have 6 legs and 2 arms. How can you tell which are the arms?
Hit it on the head. The two that go up to the head when he says "Owwww" are his arms.
Which fish is the most famous?
The star fish!
What sea creature can add up? A octoplus.
Things we all do:
Call the Royal blue tang fish the "Dory fish," and the Clownfish "Nemo fish"! π€£
I do this too often!
What did momma seal name her twin girls?
Luceal and Sealia.
Why did the octopus blush?
He saw the bottom of the ocean.