What did the beach say as the tide came in?
Long time, no sea.
what did one ocean say to the other ocean? nothing, they just WAVED. can you SEA what i did there? im SHORE you did. Why are you so SALTY? dont be a BEACH.
What Would you find on a haunted beach?
A Sand-witch!
"Hey guys I'm a new Jokester, remeber my name as I'll be making a lot more!!! P.s. They will be much better than this one!"
What did the woman on the beach say to Michael Jackson? hey get out of my sun!
What does Kim Kardashian and the ocean have in common?
They both have plastic in them.
What to you call a kid with Down syndrome on the beach?
A baked potato
why is the sea salty? because the land never waves back
I was making sandcastles with my Nan then my mum came in the room and took away the urn.
Why doesn’t Helen Keller go to the beach?
Because she can’t hear the sea.