What’s a lesbian’s favorite Pokemon? Squirtle.
What kind of food does a lesbian love? Anything they can eat out.
Her chest was so flat felt gay while hugging her
What do you call a lesbian with braces? A box cutter
what do call an ex lesbian ??? A Clitter Quitter
What does a lesbian have in common with a mechanic? Snap-on tools.
Man:Can You be my girlfriend? Woman:Im Lesbian, Sorry Man:Oh, Heres your rope
What do you call 2 lesbians in a canoe?
Fur Traders
What do lesbians and turtles have in common? They both choke on plastic.
1st daughter: Dad I;m lesbian! Dad: oh OK! 2nd daughter: I'm also lesbian Dad: WTF does any 1 in this family love d!cks?!? Son: I do...
My wife and I’s gay marriage counselor advised us to watch porn together. So, we decided try it out one day and search up lesbian shemale porn...
And that’s the day she found out she was a porn star.
What do trans women bring to lesbian relationships?
Something big and warm 🍆
I got breast implants for my wife to squeeze on as she thrusts on my meat while straddled in between my legs.
Did you hear about the exciting new drug they developed for lesbians with depression? They call it: TRICOXAGIN.
why do i tell bad jokes im a lesbian
What do you call a lesbian on a bike,? A dyke...
What do you call lesbians having sex? My cheating dyke ex wife!
Can two high-femme lesbians go on a date with each other? Yes, but it will take them forever to get ready.
What does a lesbian bring on the second date?
A U-Haul.
What do you call an Indian lesbian? Mingeeta.