have you heard of the.. uh Pokemon called uh rhy.. rhy
rhydon deez nuts
have you heard of the.. uh Pokemon called uh rhy.. rhy
rhydon deez nuts
Be warned, if you are in the shower, I might pikachu and it's not my fault if I see any jigglypuffs.
Stephen Hawking would be a bad Pokemon...
He'd always be paralyzed, and his only move would be tackle!
What do you call a Pirate Pokemon? Arrrrrr-ceus!
Pokemon:Why did the Miltank cross the road? To get to the udder side.
What's the difference between Pikachu and an orphan?
Pikachu I choose you!!!
Pokemon Jokes!
What do you do when your Loudred evolves? Buy more earplugs!
Pokemon:Why was Hypno so energetic? He wasn’t Drowzee anymore.
Pokemon:Are you a Flareon? Why? Because you’re a sexy fox.
Pokemon:What’s Wailmer’s favorite TV show? Whale of Fortune.
What did one Geodude say to the other Geodude? Let’s rock!
have u ever seen the pokemon called ryh... rhydon these nuts