Nutted in her braces, now my kids are behind bars.
Little Johnny went to the doctor to get an infection checked on his penis. As the doctor examined it, he asked, "Lil Johnny how did you get an infection on your penis?" Johnny replied, "Well, the damn neighbor Sally's braces are too sharp."
What do you call a lesbian with braces? A box cutter.
Ejaculated in her braces, call that children behind bars.
A boy is sitting in a dentist chair getting braces, and a dentist comes in and says, "Brace yourself!"
Dad: Boy, come sit in this hole while I brace the ground.
Boy: I don't want to see Grandpa, he scares me!
What do you call a black prostitute with braces?
A Black & Decker pecker wrecker.
I braced myself when I got in the car, but then I realized my wife wasn't driving.
Why is James ugly? Cuz he do be a nerd with braces.