What do you call a lesbian dinosour? Licka-lotta-puss.
Two lesbians adopted a cat. That night, the cat ran away. Why?
Because it heard one say, "I'm gonna eat that pussy."
What is a lesbian's favorite potato chip flavor?
Porn Cocktail.
Children should never run with scissors, and lesbians should never scissor with the runs.
ur dad lesbian
Ur sister a mister
Ur family tree LGBT
Ur famnily reunion a homosexual communion
Oliver savage and Jack savage who goes to TTC in Frinton in England
Why don't lesbians have sex in the morning?
Have you ever tried pulling apart a grilled cheese?
Lesbians and blind women, wear the same clothes
Did you know that there is a new drug on the market for lesbians who are suffering from depression? It's called Trycoxagain.
What's two lesbians in a tent?
A finger hut.
How to treat someone who’s lesbian, gay, queer, transgender or bisexual
The same way that you would treat anybody else you homophobic bastard
What do you call a lesbian dinosaur? A lick-a-lot-of-puss!
Why is the lesbian lifestyle so expensive? -- They're always eating out.
... and they buy Rolexes for their neighbors, because they wanna watch.
What do lesbian vampires say after sex?
"See you next month."