I got in touch with my inner self today, it's the last time I use 1-ply toilet roll.
Little Johnny is a trucker. He stops at a bar. Johnny sees a sign that says, "Hamburgers for two dollars, cheeseburger for three dollars, handjob for ten dollars." He walks up to the bartender and whispers to her, "Are you the one that gives the handjobs for ten dollars?" She replies, "Yes, that's me." Johnny says, "Well, can you wash your hands because I want a cheeseburger?"
Yo mama is so ugly, when she took a bath, the water jumped out.
Why did the toilet roll roll down the hill? To get to the bottom!
What does the starship Enterprise & toilet paper have in common?
Answer: They both circle Ur-Anus looking for Kling-Ons!
Badass Toilet Paper Company: We don't take shit off of anyone.
Why was the astronaut washing her hands?
She was getting ready to eat launch.
You look like the 0.01 percent of bacteria the Lysol didn't kill.
"Have you taken a bath?"
"No. Why, did one go missing?"
How do rappers keep themselves clean?
They drop SOAP BARS.
I ain't shaking anyone's hand, not because of the Coronavirus... I ain't shaking anyone's hand because y'all out of toilet paper!
What did one piece of toilet paper say to the other? "I feel really wiped."
If there is a hair, the meat is ruined.
My autistic son hates taking baths or showers.
I donât blame him, I donât like soggy vegetables either.
Keep the planet clean. It's not Uranus.
You should know how important it is to wash your sex toys.
That's why priests invented baptism.
"I used to be addicted to soap, but I'm clean now."
Confucius say, "man who go to sleep with itchy bum, wake up with smelly finger."
Politicians and diapers have one thing in common: they should both be changed regularly... and for the same reason.
Trump and Biden didnât get the memo.
How can toilet paper decorate your house?
Shit sticks everywhere.