Osama be like: "Fuck boys, runway is full, better use this tower!"
Where does cotton candy come from? The cotton pickers!
Why are all Asians so skinny?
Because last time there was a fat man a whole population disappeared.
Why are Americans so good at Rubik's Cubes?
They are skilled at separating colors.
My grandpa is a great hero. He's the one who shot Hitler.
What did the racist Catholic priest say?
"Martin Luther? Not my king!"
I asked the Titanic an icebreaker question.
It couldn't answer.
Ruin a quote by attributing it to the wrong person.
"Don't cry because it is over. Smile because it happened." -Adolf Hitler, 1945.
Which tower is better at playing catch? The south tower, obviously. It caught 2!
You twin towers because I'm tryna ram in you tonight.
I could have sworn while watching anime I saw an American Boeing B-29 Superfortress in the background dropping bombs!
I'm in the year 1930...
The Great Depression.
Why did the Japanese NOT shoot down the American plane that was dropping atomic bombs?
From what their eyes saw, it was a piece of rice.
What did the Americans call the battle of Midway after pearl harbour?
The jap trap
Yo mama so fat and old, she's the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs!
Apparently, as a 4-year-old, Hitler was saved from drowning in the river Passau by a local priest.
Goes to show once more that a lot of problems would be solved if priests could just keep their hands off kids.
What's the difference between Harry Potter and Anne Frank?
Harry made it out of the chamber.
I went up to my mom and asked how humanity started. She said it started with monkeys, so I went up to my dad and asked. My dad said it all started with Adam and Eve, so I told my dad that mom said humanity started with monkeys, and dad said mom was telling her side of the story. LOL🤣
Me: My grandpa killed 100 nazis in WWII.
My Friend: Well my grandpa killed Hitler.
Me: *Realizes*
POV: You are a passenger on September 11th, 2001, and you see the pilots wearing a Muslim turban.