
Friend Jokes

Did you hear about the young man who brought floral arrangements in the shape of a life jacket on his friend’s funeral who drowned last week? Everyone was furious but he explained, “It’s what he would have wanted.”

When I was recently standing in front of a huge puddle with my buddy, I remembered how he tricked me a week ago. So I tricked him...

I was playing chess with my friend and he said, “Let’s make this interesting.” So I took away his towers and he took away my queen.

I was walking with my black best friend and he was meeting my parents and after I got there they said who’s this? I said well I own him

My friend looks more red than Mr. Krabs.

It’s weird, I could’ve sworn I saw the silluoette of a belt hurling towards him the other day.

i was sitting in class and the teacher said he wasn't disapointed in me and my best friend but not so much in me. I looked at my best friend and said "I'm a disapointment to the teacher too"

One day, during lunch, a Spanish kid came up to my other friend and asked her questions in Spanish, and when she was about to say something, I popped out and said “GO AWAY OR I WILL SUE YOU WITH BRIANNA’S SEVEN/7 LAWYERS!!!!(AKA, her seven/7 shoes.)”