
Eating Jokes

Any want didn’t they said they and slice a everyone offered already you because free guilt pizza entire the eat to you allows enjoy people many not that toppings with pizza a to liking a taking

what is somthing that makes you wish you were dead and rips your skin off and is small and can wear you out in two seconds and betray you in any way posible and can eat you alive.kid's

What animal...howls at the moon...and...eats...cement...if you guessed wolf ur right(I threw in the cement to make it hard

I was on a website doing homework, and there was this funny a$$ commercial banner saying: "Eat a bag of Dick's" It was the funniest $h8 ever! blob:chrome-untrusted://media-app/04b6442d-df5c-4ee5-947f-ffa055c5b59a

adin you should consiterrrrrrrr eating penical lead you fat cat lover only if your the ne adin from ff though xoxo da babby

a: why did sally fall of the swing? b: why? a: cause she has no arms. knock knock b: whos there? a: not sally. joe was eating ice cream while walking on the street. he dropped his ice cream. why? b: i dont know, why? a: cause sally was driving the car.

Why don't humans eat raw meat, because they use technology to cry about raw meet is good, go and leave bro, I'm going to ear sushi

Why are hindustan bhai so good at Python? When they are hungry they use Python and take credit card information ;). You know what they say, you give a man a curry and he eat for a day, you give a man a language and he eat for a lifetime