
Eating Jokes

Here are a few:

While I was out shopping i tripped in a store and a lady would not stop staring at me, for fun I said "Sorry! It's been awhile since I've possessed a body." She looked horrified.

Dads are like boomerangs. . . I hope!

Son: Dad why is my name Experience? Dad: Son, Experience is the name we give our mistakes.

You won't eat a human, so why eat meat? Bold of you to presume I won't eat a person.

Why can’t orthons eat at a family restaurant? Because then don’t have a mom or dad

a man was forced off the Eiffel Tower, but he flew back up. The executionares asked "how'd you do that?" he said, " I had magic chips, here, take some"they eat them, jump off and die.

He asks for more chips, and the guy says "you're a real a**hole when you're drunk superman."

What do you call a weak, beta, tall and dumb kid, A banana. But if you`re vegan you call him food. If you`re poor you eat the skin.

I always tslk to my taco before I eat it. One time it said it was having a bad day and I asked what's wrong. He said I don't want to Taco bout it