I heard a joke about chocolate bars, and it wasn't that funny. So I just snickered.
If you were a food, what would you be?
Friend 1: "Pizza, cause I'm so cheesy."
Friend 2: "Chocolate chip cookie, cause I have lots of friends."
Me: "Donut, cause I'm so empty inside."
Three kids one day found a magical slide. There was a sign next to it saying, “Whatever you wish for comes true once you slide down.” One kid stepped up and slid down. He wished for a river of chocolate, thus he swam in a chocolate river.
The second kid slid down and wished for a mountain of money. He then landed in a pile of money. The third kid went down and said, “Weeeeeeee!”
What is the sun's favorite chocolate bar?
A Milky Way 😱
What do you call a sheep covered in chocolate?
A candy baa.
If Bruno Mars was to run a pub and sell chocolate bars other than alcoholic drinks, then he'd have to call his pub a Mars Bar!
Life is like a box of chocolates, mostly disappointing.
What do you get when a dog that is actually a Weeto is caught in an earthquake?
Just like a chocolate milkshake, only crunchy!
I liked the chocolate mousse cake joke.
What is an alien's favourite chocolate?
A Mars bar.
What did the chocolate dentist say to the other chocolate dentist? Did you "chip" a tooth?
Did you hear about the magician who did magic with chocolate?
I heard he had loads of Twix up his sleeve.
You call it turds.
I call it the forbidden chocolate.
My "choco" is too "late" for lunch.
Roses are red, chocolate is brown,
I expect nothing and still get let down!
My chocolate babe is calling my name, and now I'm about to get my chocolate freak on.
This morning I woke up, then took a bath with some chocolate mud. At first, when I turned the damn flossers on, I noticed it wasn't water. It was all chocolate mud, and now my body is all chocolatey.
Yo momma is so stupid, she eats cardboard boxes thinking they're chocolate bars.
What are chocolate's preferred gender pronouns?
Bro, are you an Oompa Loompa? Because you look like you just came from the chocolate factory.