There is an upside to being an orphan. Every bag of chips is family size.
What’s the similarity between a bag of chips and a gun?
When you pull one out in class, everybody wants to be your friend.
the emo kid ran away after his parents asked why they took the barcode sticker off the oreos
Dating a striper is like eating a bag of chips in class.
Everyone looks at you in disgust. But deep down inside they want some too.
little johnny got detention because when he was walking to lunch he saw a bowl of apples and there was a note on it and it said take 1 god is watching. He continues walking and sees a bowl of cookies that said take 1 please so little johnny made his own note and he wrote take as many cookies as you want god is watching the apples
Being an orphan isn't all bad. On the bright side, all your snacks are family-sized.
For orphans every bag of chips is family size
Happiness is like food, not everyone gets it
What food does a cheetah eat?
Fast food.
When we were visiting the Hoover Dam, I started to get a bit hungry. I asked my parents, "Where's the dam snack bar?"
What is six inches, has nuts, and is hard?
A sinkers bar.
What do Michael Jackson and caviar have in common? They both come on little white crackers.
Like this if you are a single Pringle like me
What is the difference between a baby and a watermelon?
One is a refreshing summertime snack the other one is a watermelon.
What do french fries 🍟 do when they meet?
They ketchup.
Whats the only good thing about being an orphan? All snacks are family sized!
@blue takis?
What did the bread say to the peanut butter? I think your nuts
What do u call a gay drive by a fruit roll up
Why did little Timmy dip the cookie in water? “ Because his dad never brought the milk.”