Dr. Seuss died September 24, but that was a lie. Dr. Seuss, when he was 97, he stole a plane and the last rhyme he did was “up in the sky so very far he comes, Dr. Seuss allahuakbar.”
I was crying at school, telling my friends my grandpa died. And they asked me what his last words were. His last words were, "Are you still holding the ladder?"
You're so ugly that I choked and died.
My mom said, "Don't jump off, we need you."
I said, "No," then I jumped off a building and died.
Friend: Did Jesus die a virgin? Me: Of course not, he got nailed before he died
This is nothing to do with 9/11, but this is my best joke.
What do you call a Paki in a microwave?
Pting pting pting.
1.) What’s yellow and can’t swim?
- A bus full of children.
2.) Did you hear about the Pillsbury Dough Boy?
- He died of a yeast infection.
3.) I will never forget my grandad’s last words...
- “You’re still holding the ladder, right?”
4.) I have a fish that can breakdance...
- Only for 20 seconds though, and only once.
5.) Give a man a match and he will be warm for a few hours...
- Light a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.
You know, people should really stop making fun of 911....both my parents died.
One driving one plane, and the other driving the other.
my dad died in 911 he was a Muslim pilot
All these jokes are plane wrong. My uncle died in 9/11. At least he died doing what he loved, flying planes.
So my friend died. I was at her casket. I said I'll see you on the other side, so I went to the other side of the casket.
*Breaking News!* - Apparently the first person in Melbourne has died because of the Coronavirus. In his house they found 1000 cans of food, 50 kilos of pasta, 80 kilos of rice, 300 toilet rolls and 50L of hand sanitiser which he had panic purchased from the supermarket and stock piled "just in case".
The whole lot collapsed and buried him.
Every woman will die in five seconds Mother : dies Sister : dies Girlfriend:lives You : 🤬
So, I met Michael Jackson before he died. He dragged me to his bed.
My father died in 9 11. Its such a shame. He was a great pilot😔
Some boy says 100000 digits of pi and dis other dude cant even remember da 1st one
Why are the English so good at chess? Because there Queen never dies.
It hasn't been the same since Kobe died. I can't say "Kobe" anymore when going to shoot a shot. Now I have to say, "Kobe crash!"
my dad died in 911... he was the best pilot I know
My grief counselor died the other day
He was so good at his job, i don't even care.