I like my bread how I like my wife: cold and stiff.
Ice cold coffee? Coll beans!
What did the cannibal get when he showed up to the party late?
A cold shoulder.
what are mountains so cold?? your muom lol
-Dude, What is your favorite rapper? -He is very cold blooded -Why? -He is Ice Cube
How do you fix a igloo? With Iglue
A blonde crashed a helicopter. A police officer asked her what happened. She says, "It got cold so I turned off the fan."
why do mountains are very cold. because they are very cold.
What do you call a skeleton who went out in the snow? A numb skull!
Dark jokes are like Antarctica
The're cold
A man takes a boy into the woods boy says Boy: Mister I’m scared and it’s dark and cold The Man: How do you think I feel I’m walking out here alone
Is necrophilia considered cracking open a cold one?
What does a bar fly and a necrophiliac have in common?
They both enjoy a cold one once in a while.
"Knock Knock..." "Who's There?" "Kenya" "Kenya who?" "KENYA OPEN THE DO ITS FREEZING OUT HERE!!!!"
Did you hear about the cannibal that came home late? His wife gave him the cold shoulder.
Hell in Greek times was known as cold and misty... so now just look at Seattle.
Why did Sally's pizza get cold? Because she has no arms.
A Mexican bandit made a specialty of crossing the Rio Grande from time to time and robbing banks in Texas. The banks offered a reward for his capture, dead or alive, but offered a much larger award for the recovery of the stolen funds.
An enterprising Texas Ranger decided to track him down. After a long and difficult search, he traced the bandit to his home town. On a hunch, he checked the town's cantina, and sure enough, there was the robber. The only other people in the bar were the bartender and a scrawny, older man at a back table. The time was right to make a move. The ranger drew his revolver, charged into the cantina, and announced: "You are under arrest. I get a reward for you, dead or alive. Tell me where the money is, and I'll let you live. If you don't, I'll shoot you right here, and save myself the trouble of having to take you back to Texas alive."
But the bandit didn't speak English, and the Ranger didn't speak Spanish. As it turned out, the scrawny man at the back of the bar happened to be a lawyer. He knew the robber, and was bilingual, and quickly offered to translate for the two of them. The ranger said: "Tell him that if he doesn't tell me where the loot is, I'll shoot him here and now." Upon hearing what the Ranger had said, and seeing the cold look in his eye, the bandit knew that the Ranger meant it - if he did not give up his loot, he was a dead man. Terrified, the bandit blurted out in Spanish that the loot was buried in an old barn at the outskirts of town. "What did he say?" asked the Ranger. The lawyer answered: "He said, 'You don't have the nerve to shoot me, Yankee swine.'"
Why are hospitals always freezing?
They need to keep the vegetables cold.
I wanna go to Antarctica, but then I got cold feet.