
Chill Jokes

Sans: What is todoroki's favourite coffee creamer Half n' Half hehe

Papyrus: Sans! He's not even part of our fandom!!!

Sans: bro don't get so HOT headed about it Just CHILL

sorry not sorry -sans

so i took a poop out side when i was done i wiped and got it on my finger after that i had nutella and i thought the poop on my hand was nutella and i licked it i said daddy chill what in the heck is this crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Someone said to me when it was winter it time for you to “chill out” I was like 👁👄👁

I told someone some jokes y'know fruit ninja, barcode legs, french puppet thigh wrings. And she was like saying thats not cool and stuff. So she reported me and it was like. The counselor: So i've heard you've been making sh jokes? Me: You say it like it's a bad thing Her: It is Me: chill bro it aint that deep. Don't worry I'll end it :)