Why did Steven hawking die? He lost wifi connection and don't get the data plan.
We all know Steven can’t post on here because he can’t pass the robot test
what was the one test that Steven hawking couldnt pass
I was just chillin in the world trade center and got airplane wifi
why are emos useful in stores? A: Their barcodes give them discounts.
what did steven hawkins say when the wifi cut out .........nothing
Why was the computer so good at golf? because he had a hard drive
I donated a computer to the orphanage... It didn’t have a mother board.
I gave a deaf kid air pods for his birthday
Why don’t asians use phones?
Cuz they wing da wong number!!!
did u hear about the new german microwave? it has ten seats in it
What's the difference between a women and a washing machine? The washing machine doesnt follow you after you put a load in it.
What is the strongest weapon in india?
The red button (this is a fact)
So I painted my laptop black, hoping it would run faster... Now it doesn't work
Why couldn’t the orphan play Xbox because there was no home button
How do u know Stephen hawking is having a seizures - he spills coffee on his I pad
Whats the difference between a pc and a 6 year old, i dont have to clean out my pc
Stephen hawkings shows up to a car meet up
Q.Why do orphans get on Facebook? A.Because they get liked
I went to self-checkout at a store and i scanned my products. But the scanner wouldn ́t scan the barcode on my arm.