I remember my grandfather's last words: "Is that loaded?"
I will always remember my grandpa's last words: "Stop shaking the ladder, you cunt!"
What were Stephen Hawking's last words?
The Windows XP log out sound.
Wanna hear some famous last words?
"We are just experiencing some turbulence."
I still remember the last words my grandpa said before he kicked the bucket. He said, “Hey, how far do you think I can kick this bucket?”
I'll never forget my grandma's last words, "What are you doing in here with that hammer?"
I’ll never forget my brother’s last words: “Why is there a revolver in your hand?”
I went to visit my friend's sick grandpa. He was lying in a hospital bed connected to a lot of tubes. When I approached him, he kept repeating "Nǐ cǎizhe wǒ de yǎngqì guǎn."
Suddenly, right in front of me, he passed. Later that night, I translated his last words, and they were, "You're standing on my oxygen tube."
I will always remember my grandfather's last words: "I'll just check if it's poisonous."
Last words of the captain of the Titanic... "Where's all this water come from?"
I remember grandpas last words “oh shit it’s in drive”
I'll always remember my dad's last words... "Why do you have an axe? We live in the city!"
I won't ever forget my dad's last words: "OH GOD THE POLICE!!!"
I'll Never Forget My Grandfathers Last Words "STOP SHAKING THE LADDER YOU LITTLE CUNT!"
What were Stephen's last words? “Battery low.”
I'll never forget my Grandads last words...SON WHERE DID U GET A GRENADE FROM?!
I don,t think I'm allergic to this
I will remember my biker buddies last words ̈Why did you cut in front of me ̈.
Last word of mayor of Hiroshima: ‘what the fuck was that noise?’
Grandfather's last words: "Stop shaking the ladder, you cunt!"
Grandmother's last words: "You know how to use that hammer."
Dad's last words: "Always aim before you shoot that gun."
Mom's last words: "Turn off the stove when you're done."
My last thought: Am I a murderer?