I remember my grandfather's last words: "Is that loaded?"
I will always remember my grandpa's last words: "Stop shaking the ladder, you cunt!"
What were Stephen Hawking's last words?
The Windows XP log out sound.
Wanna hear some famous last words?
"We are just experiencing some turbulence."
I still remember the last words my grandpa said before he kicked the bucket. He said, “Hey, how far do you think I can kick this bucket?”
I'll never forget my grandma's last words, "What are you doing in here with that hammer?"
I'll never forget my brother's last words: "Why is there a revolver in your hand?"
I went to visit my friend's sick grandpa. He was lying in a hospital bed connected to a lot of tubes. When I approached him, he kept repeating "Nǐ cǎizhe wǒ de yǎngqì guǎn."
Suddenly, right in front of me, he passed. Later that night, I translated his last words, and they were, "You're standing on my oxygen tube."
I will always remember my grandfather's last words: "I'll just check if it's poisonous."
Last words of the captain of the Titanic... "Where's all this water come from?"
I remember Grandpa's last words, "Oh, shit! It's in drive!"
I'll always remember my dad's last words... "Why do you have an axe? We live in the city!"
I won't ever forget my dad's last words: "OH GOD THE POLICE!!!"
I'll never forget my grandfather's last words: "STOP SHAKING THE LADDER, YOU LITTLE CUNT!"
What were Stephen's last words? “Battery low.”
I'll never forget my Grandad's last words... "Son, where did you get a grenade from?!"
I don't think I'm allergic to this.
I will remember my biker buddy's last words: "Why did you cut in front of me?"
Last words of the mayor of Hiroshima: “What the fuck was that noise?”
Grandfather's last words: "Stop shaking the ladder, you cunt!"
Grandmother's last words: "You know how to use that hammer."
Dad's last words: "Always aim before you shoot that gun."
Mom's last words: "Turn off the stove when you're done."
My last thought: Am I a murderer?