
Shit Jokes

Last night I had sex and she said stop talking about shit omg and I made her scream so loud she said her balls Hurt...

whats braver than coming out gay ? taking a shit in a elementary school bathroom with those 2 kids that always mess with you and turn off the lights.

And to the parents of the lost boy named Timmy, we have found him and now is your chance to make your escape he really is a little shit isn't he?!

What would you do if you see a guy suffocating from the heat? I would call and dial 911 holy shit.

If You're In A Roast Battle With A Homophobe And They Are Talking Mad Shit Just Say:

"The only thing looser than your mouth is your asshole!"

Let’s try and make this joke the most liked and commented on this website. (Ps, you made need to say it out loud to get it) I went to a zoo and there was no people and there was one dog. It was a shit-zoo.

Your mom is so fat when she skipped a meal the whole stock market crashed.

Your mom is so fat she tripped, and I didn’t even laugh. But the sidewalk cracked up.

Saw that shit on roblox .-.

a man walks up to lil johnny one day and asks if you had one wish but that wish will be granted to everyone on earth so the lil johnny thinks real hard and long then said well i would wish for me to shit my self and the man is shocked and asks why and lil johnny reply's well i would be on the toilet i thing everyone else would just be confused

The daughter of an incestuous pedophile goes into the living room where he is watching TV and asks him if she can borrow the car that evening. "Sure honey! If you suck my dick! So she gets down on him but something is wrong. She pops her head up and says: "Dad! This tastes like shit!" "Oh yeah, I forgot" says the father "I already gave your brother the car for tonight."

Oh, fuckshit, bitch, damn cocksucker Pussy, asshole, cunt Mother fuckin' dirty whore, shat onto my lunch Pisscunt, damn bitch, suck my dick Jesus Harold Christ Shit bitch, cocksucker, Goddamn motherfucker, pussy, asshole cunt