
Nan Jokes

A kid gets home from school and find his mom and dad having sex, the kid asks "what are you doing dad" the dad replies "having sex with your mom son" and he starts laughing The next day dad gets home from work and finds his son having sex with his nan, the dad shouts "what the hell are you doing son" the kid replies " it's not funny when it's your mom is it"

How many people can you fit in a car? 6 - 3 in the back, 2 in the front and my nan in the ash tray.

Boyfreaind- let go to bed Girlfriend- no Boyfriend- why Girlfriend-because you want sex Boyfriend- no i dont NEXT MINUT The nan could hear banging

So there I was, having a fantastic time going down on my nan When suddenly I got a nasty taste in my mouth.

"Wait a minute" I said. This distinctly tastes like horse semen

Then it clicked. "Ah, so that's how you died"


My nan broke her toe by a brick today, last time she broke her toe because she kicked her car tire . Does that now mean I have to toe her back to the doctors.