
Saw Jokes

your hairline so far back that when i put on my glasses i thought i saw a M for Mcdonald's on your hairline

My friend was in Afghanistan when he saw someone got shot and then they bumbed him know he called them the talkwakers

I saw an ad that said, "By the time this ad is over, two identities would have been stolen" So, I did what I had to do, and skipped the ad! You're welcome to the two people's identities I saved!

I saw an emo kid that got a haircut today. But instead of saying “Like ya cut g” and slapping the neck. I slapped the wrist and said “Like ya cut’s g”.

One morning I saw three kids were bullying one other kid because they didn't have a dad... Later that day the three same kids were walking toward an orphanage. :)


Fineman, Einstein and Schrodinger walked into a bar.

Fineman says "it appears we're inside a joke".

Einstein says "but only to an observer who saw us walk in simultaneously".

To which Schrodinger says "if someone's looking through the window, I'm leaving".

We thought that my mother died in the best was possible, during her sleep. But when we did an autopsy on her, we saw she actually died in the worst way possible. During the autopsy.

one day i was walking down the streets and then i saw something really funny and then i run and i saw a boomer but i dont really know what im talking about lol

I was walking home then I saw a wait sign a man came and took me I'm still waiting for him to ask for a lesson

Why did the plane crash in the ocean? Because the pilot saw steward Undercut!

I saw your mother get into a white Ford Taurus on the corner of Milton and Halliburton and you still trying to tell me she ain't got no job cause she "can't get a ride to work "