
Rape Jokes

What do you call a man who likes rape jokes? A fucking disgusting, scumbag with no intellignece what so ever. If u actually joke about this you are the reason humanity has faded.

How many rapists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Punchline: One, but they prefer soda bottles instead.

It’s too bad G won’t be able to follow in Kobe’s footsteps and rape a hotel employee but not serve one minute in jail

When I was very young...

My classmates played a game called kiss chase. Some were really good at catching the girls and then kissing them.

They are rapists now.

Man: I must confess, Father.

Priest: What are you here to confess?

Man: I hit my wife and blamed her for what happened to our son.

Priest: And what happened to your son?

Man: He said a man raped him.

Priest: When and where did this happen?

Man: A local church. I don't know which one.

Priest: ...By whom?

Man: A priest, he said. He said the priest had black hair and blue eyes, kind of like you.

Priest: ...Shit