Sexist "Rape" Jokes

Normal girl stating her opinion.

My name is Jade Harris. I don’t know if you guys know it, but “rape” jokes are really starting to get sexist and could lead to people getting raped. IT IS MY OPINION PEOPLE DON’T HATE ME! 😡. People are talking about how men are better than women, but men and women are both good. Someone posted about how they hate the media being about women and other bull crap, but fuck it, I hate the media being about both genders. And people sound like fucking rapists here!!! Some boy did story time and then said women are weak and I can rape a women if I feel like it and shit! But no one knows what it feels like to be a women? Only women do. 😠. Women have to have kids with men of course, but it is hard to be a like that. 1. We grow up just the same as men, and men don’t always get judged for dressing except for that stupid pants were we can see your underwear shit, which is pt style. Women are the ones who pay the bills, lose half of there energy and MOST of the time take care of the kids and work for a living men do too. But women get raped and harassed and molested and sexual assaulted/battery/abuse, and when a women wants to dress up how she feels she gets slut shamed for it. So really being a women is harder will being both genders are. Facts!!!



Explain Bear

Listen up, buttercup. This ain't a joke. It's a rant. The author, Jade, is laying down some truth bombs about how rape jokes aren't funny and how women have it tougher than dudes. She's not trying to tickle your funny bone; she's trying to smack you upside the head with reality. Also, maybe, don't state facts without any period at the end. Do you want to anger your English teachers? Also, it is *women*, not *women*.

Comments (30)

Yes you get it! Men think women don’t have a hard time in life but we do😉

I mean, you know that men gget dick shamed and height shamed. Some girls won’t date a dude because he is shorter than her. That’s still body shaming. I’ve had it happen personally. My best friend got dumped because he is short.

both genders are not perfect but we are still fine

This is not funny!!

Lexi is this you you fucking snowflake

Full name: Lexi B. Blaine

Adress: 61C E. Windsor Rd. Athens, GA 30605

Age: 20

Phone pasword: 907653

OMG!! This is so scary eek! Nice try

jokes lead to laughter. what leads women to being raped is not locking doors and keeping them locked, failing to report rape, giving freebies to anyone who increases their risk of being raped, and calling victims brave when they dont resist, refuse to wear a chastity belt, are offended by good advice, wear clothes that rip easily, do not dress properly, go out late and alone with no money or plan of getting home safely whilst drunk after flirting and kissing everyone.

Ah, the natural feminine finding sites MEANT FOR PEOPLE WHO HAVE NO SENSITIVITY. Don't get on a site and make a comment that puts the people down that enjoy morbid jokes. Go back to pre-school and learn about the real world

Your Not Rescuing anybody in Targeting humorous people, just like protesters aren't rescuing their opinion by blocking traffic.

hippity hoppity women are property ;)

Women are property including you Jade (:

Work on your grammar you slut

Why tf are you complaining on a website that's literally called "worst jokes ever"? Make a facebook account and keep it there dumbass

woman, your posting in the wrong website.

@Don't fuck with me You may have someone's address. But I have your family hostage. I will murder them.

Notice how the woman are trying to find a way to be annoying. I'm just saying, Jade started this. This is a website for messed up jokes. If you don't realize that, then LEAVE THE FUCKING WEBSITE!

Woman don't understand what a joke is, and these kind of comments are RIDCULOUS. Go back on instagram whores.

If women don’t want to be offended get of the sexist joke page retards same for if men for some reason don’t wanna get offended

that was true but one problem is this is a joke place its like people hating fiction books for not being true

till you realize im a guy and was raped as a kid. its called giving them viagra and forcing them to have sex

Ok imma go on another rant cause the post and the comments are fucking shit. The jokes on the "rape" category do take it to far and you morons who comment on it saying blatant sexism and stupidity give males a bad name as a whole fucking gender like damn. No woman are not fucking property nor should we slut shame and insult someone for stating a damn opinion or you know AGAIN THREATNING TO FUCKING RAPE SOMEONE. this shit ain't okay to say or fucking do so stop this shit all you morons who can hide behind a tag and screen think you can get away with saying shit like this when I guarantee you gonna get found out eventually. None of the damn comment I see on post like this are okay AT ALL. That doesn't mean that all this "men are gross pigs" shit is good either, it's degrading on both sides. woman say and act to men in a way that would get a man arrested if the gender was swapped. And depending on were you live trust me being a male is much worse. Take the U.S.A legality here is if you are male you are immediately a second class citizen who can't be around there own kids in public or see them if there wife divorces. Hell i know someone in person who can never see there kid again because he went to see him when the ex was denying him his legal visitation. He was arrested and a non contact order in place. Many places in the world females as a whole have laws in place to protect them from guys and social stigma makes it hard for guys to live a life without getting harrassed for as much as saying excuse me in a wrong way. Take the legality of woman hitting men, I saw some dudes girlfriend slap him, punch him, and try to shove him into oncoming traffic outside of a store because he didn't buy her a bag. You wanna know what happened, when she jumped on him he shoved her, not even that hard and 2 guys jumped outta their car and tackled him and helped her call the police. I could go on for hours about how shitty gender barriers are but I despise the woman have it harder or woman are property bullshit. as people all of us are the damn same worth and anyone who thinks otherwise is worthless. So to all the dicks saying sexist shit about BOTH genders shut the fuck up please, neither of you are superior than the other, your both retards for arguing over that shit. So hope anyone whos actually smart enough too read this learns a lesson.

the joke is shit. Where's the joke?