What's the difference between a white woman and a tornado siren?
The tornado siren doesn't get raped.
What's the difference between a white woman and a tornado siren?
The tornado siren doesn't get raped.
What has eight legs and doesn’t rape children?
The Jackson 4.
Q: What is the difference between two bottles of Whiskey and 2 pretty feminist girls?
A: You don't leave the bottles in the cold and dark forest after you and your 9 friends are finished with them.
"You wanna play the rape game?" "No." "That's the spirit!"
Only Dick Rapeboat got is his rhyming dictionary.
I raped a girl and I liked it.
I hope my girlfriend won't mind it.
It felt so wrong, it felt so right.
Don't mean I'm in love tonight.
In middle school, we had to create words with magnet letters. Some kid laid the word "Animal Therapist". I changed one space and got sent home :/
Ever heard of rape jokes?
Well, I'll MAKE you hear 'em!
Why was 10 scared? Cause he saw 9 rape 11
Rape, 9/11, abortion, orphan, murder, dead, kill, drugs.
What makes all these categories so familiar? Either you've experienced them, or made them up in your backstory.
who wants to see me rape a toddler?
fun fact: this category of jokes is the MOST hated one by feminists. unless you force them the point.
What’s the difference between life and a rape joke?
Life fucks you until you stop breathing; a rape joke fucks you until it’s not funny anymore.
It's not rape if she doesn't say no.
Two options: - Chloroform. - Duct Tape.