
Victim Jokes

What did the rapist say to his victim. Go ahead call the police we will see who comes first.


My friend was a victim of a school shooting once but he couldnt tell if they were in the library because of the suppressor on his ar


A rapist walks into a school and asks if they had 5 year olds in the school and the teacher replies "are you that same person who took Jimmy?" the man replies "yes" and the teacher says "Take susie too she's being a little bitch."


We shouldn't joke about rape, because rape is no laughing matter...

Unless you're being raped by a clown.

I'm so mad I got arrested for rape even though the girl never said no. The prosecution said she was mute but how was I supposed to know she never told me.

I told the judge I thought she was unconscious before she woke up crying. The judge asked: why didn't you drug her again so she would forget?